How is your wednesday?

How is your wednesday? Any program or plan? This is the question I always asked every Wednesday, but the answer I always have is "sorry, today I'm busy", "today I go out with friend", "today gonna have a movie with my friend", "today is my sport day" etc.

It is very hard to ask for a friend come out during Wednesday, the only thing I can do is asking my "partner" (computer) play some music for me and help her "massage".

How about my housemate? One couple of my housemates will go out "pak tol" every Wednesday, my cousin aka room-mate go for Futsal every Wednesday, my sister go out with her sister and colleague on Wednesday for movie (cheap mah... hahaha).

If you're the one are free at Wednesday, you're able to find me "pui" u (no matter male or female, young or old... hahaha). I'm always free and waiting for u :)